- Enrolment of new Lawyers - 2021
- (22 images)
- Hits: 6,908
- Association of Magistrates and Judges of Ghana (AMJG) Holds its 40th Annual General meeting
- (100 images)
- Hits: 26,312
- CJ Opens 2021/2022 Annual General Conference of the Ghana Bar Association (GBA)
- (31 images)
- Hits: 9,256
- CJ meets staff of Upper East Region in Bolgatanga
- (32 images)
- Hits: 8,917
- One week observation for the late Justice S. K. Marful-Sau
- (59 images)
- Hits: 16,077
- Parliamentary select committee on Judiciary calls on CJ
- (18 images)
- Hits: 4,731
- 39th Memorial service for the Three murdered Judges Held in Accra
- (39 images)
- Hits: 11,306
- CJ Swears-in President and Vice President of the Republic of Ghana
- (59 images)
- Hits: 26,060
- CJ Swears-in Speaker of Parliament
- (27 images)
- Hits: 11,064