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Mission Statement

Recognizing the fact that the Judiciary of Ghana is solely responsible for the administration of Justice in this country under the 1992 Constitution; we, the members of AMJG are determined to carry out our Oath to do Justice to all persons without fear or favour, affection or ill-will and stand by each other acknowledging that in our Unity lies our strength.


Aims and Objectives

The Aims and Objectives of the Association are as follows:

-       To promote the efficient, expeditious and most cost-effective administration of Justice in Ghana.


-       To promote the independence of the Judiciary.


-       To promote the Rule and Law in accordance with the dictates of the 1992 Constitution.


-       To promote and protect the interests, welfare, dignity, integrity and honour of Members.


-       To cooperate and coordinate, and where possible affiliate, with other Organisations, Regional or International, with similar objectives as those of the AMJG.


-       To organize conferences and meetings with a view to achieving our Aims and Objectives.


-       To encourage Members to observe the Code of Conduct promulgated by the Leadership of the Judiciary of Ghana.


P.O. Box GP 119, Accra

Tel: (+233) 0302-663951, 663954, 666671


Tel: (+233) 0302-748100, 748101, 748102


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